Thesis Open Access

"The case of BasonaWerana District in North Shoa Zone of AmharaRegionEthiopia"


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  "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:5762", 
  "author": [
      "family": "WondwosenTefera"
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "abstract": "<p>In Ethiopia, among other things, lack of finance is one of the fundamental problems hampering<br>\nproduction, productivity and income of rural poor farm households. Since access to institutional<br>\nfinance is very limited, the majority of the poor are forced to search financial services through<br>\ninformal channels so forced them to remain in the vicious circle of poverty. The study was sought<br>\nto ascertain use of formal financial credit and factors that affect smallholder farmer&rsquo;s access to<br>\nformal credit. A multistage sampling method was employed to select ten out of thirty rural<br>\nkebeles in BasonaWerana district and 422 farm households. Structured interview schedule was<br>\ndeveloped, pre-tested and used for collecting quantitative data for the study from the sampled<br>\nhousehold heads. Focus group discussion, and key informant interview were held to generate<br>\nqualitative data. Descriptive statistics and logit model were used for analyzing quantitative data<br>\nand the qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The output from the study indicates that 103<br>\n(24.41%) of the sampled farm households were formal financial credit users, whereas the<br>\nremaining (75.59%) were non-users. However, among the credit users 89(86.40%) reported as<br>\nthey were not satisfied with the credit amount. Farmers acknowledge group lending solves the<br>\nproblem of collateral requirement, but also mentioned as it has a sort of limitations in affecting<br>\nthe credit demand negatively. Moreover, the analysis using the logit model revealed that the<br>\ndemographic factors, age, sex and education status of the household heads, and majority of the<br>\ninstitutional factors such as, lending procedure, interest rates, rigid repayment period and<br>\ndistance, as well attitude of household heads towards credit risk were the statistically significant<br>\ndeterminants that affect smallholder farmers&rsquo; access to formal financial credit</p>", 
  "title": "\"The case of BasonaWerana District in North Shoa Zone of AmharaRegionEthiopia\"", 
  "type": "thesis", 
  "id": "5762"
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