Thesis Open Access

Railway Timetable Stability Analysis: Case of Addis Ababa LRT

Asfaw Workineh

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    <dct:title>Railway Timetable Stability Analysis: Case of Addis Ababa LRT</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2014</dct:issued>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2014-09-01</dct:issued>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;Recently, railway traffic has increased considerably in the different parts of the world;&lt;br&gt; moreover, it is expected that railway transportation will further grow for both passenger&lt;br&gt; and freight transportation. These developments create needs to optimize both the&lt;br&gt; utilization of the existing infrastructure and the coordination tasks inside the railway&lt;br&gt; company. Specially, the process times at stations should be well monitored to deliver&lt;br&gt; efficient services.&lt;br&gt; Railway timetable is affected by several factors. The fact that makes the case more serious&lt;br&gt; is that a disturbance encountered one train may propagate to the whole network unless a&lt;br&gt; timetable that absorbs the fluctuation has been designed. This makes the railway timetable&lt;br&gt; to be the heart of railway operation. Hence, the thesis at hand is aimed to develop stability&lt;br&gt; analysis method which is used to design more stable timetable to handle the disturbances&lt;br&gt; occurring to the railway network. In this research, both the interior and exterior factors&lt;br&gt; that affect railway timetable stability were taken into account. In view of that, at the end of&lt;br&gt; the research work, a model that is used to analyze trains timetable stability has been&lt;br&gt; developed. The developed model is applicable to passengers&amp;rsquo; railway network like Addis&lt;br&gt; Ababa LRT.&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
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