Thesis Open Access
Digafe Tadesse
{ "files": [ { "links": { "self": "" }, "checksum": "md5:e336feffc9ea4d84a73ec57708aa3e8c", "bucket": "d522318c-ff56-45df-8198-9968113b010b", "key": "f1049420872.pdf", "type": "pdf", "size": 1813995 } ], "owners": [ 11 ], "doi": "10.20372/nadre:2572", "stats": {}, "links": { "doi": "", "conceptdoi": "", "bucket": "", "conceptbadge": "", "html": "", "latest_html": "", "badge": "", "latest": "" }, "conceptdoi": "10.20372/nadre:2571", "created": "2024-10-03T11:36:18.539473+00:00", "updated": "2024-10-03T11:36:21.137483+00:00", "conceptrecid": "2571", "revision": 3, "id": 2572, "metadata": { "access_right_category": "success", "doi": "10.20372/nadre:2572", "description": "<p>This study mainly focuses on the Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) estimation of<br>\nresidential based person internal trips which unless analyzed can affects the project<br>\njustification during the early stage of project installation, transportation planning during<br>\noperation stages, identification of markets, service planning, facility assessments and<br>\nrevenue estimations.<br>\nTo estimate the trips the required primary and secondary data are collected, the primary<br>\ndata on locations closest to LRT routes are collected with a direct observation and<br>\ninterviewing of government officials and the secondary data on socio-economic data,<br>\ncensus data and land use data are collected from various sources such as Central Statistics<br>\nAuthority, Addis Ababa Transport Authority and Addis Ababa City Plan Institute. The<br>\ndata gathered are analyzed using the Land Activity Rate or Land Use Method of trip<br>\nbased model for the base year trip production calculation and Growth Factor Methods for<br>\nfuture trip projection calculations.<br>\nthe land activity rate is used to determine the total land areas covered by the LRT routes<br>\nand the Institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) standard is used to determine the<br>\ntrips per hectare produced and finally the growth factor method is used to project the<br>\ntrips for future times.</p>", "license": { "id": "cc-by" }, "title": "ADDIS ABABA LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT INTERNAL TRIP PRODUCTION FORECASTING", "relations": { "version": [ { "count": 1, "index": 0, "parent": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "2571" }, "is_last": true, "last_child": { "pid_type": "recid", "pid_value": "2572" } } ] }, "communities": [ { "id": "aastu" }, { "id": "zenodo" } ], "publication_date": "2014-09-01", "creators": [ { "name": "Digafe Tadesse" } ], "access_right": "open", "resource_type": { "subtype": "thesis", "type": "publication", "title": "Thesis" }, "related_identifiers": [ { "scheme": "doi", "identifier": "10.20372/nadre:2571", "relation": "isVersionOf" } ] } }
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