Thesis Open Access

Challenges of the Implementation of Balanced Score Card in Ethiopian Insurance Corporation

Ruhama Lemma

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  "conceptdoi": "10.20372/nadre:2072", 
  "created": "2024-09-20T11:25:47.304448+00:00", 
  "updated": "2024-09-20T11:25:49.454509+00:00", 
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    "doi": "10.20372/nadre:2073", 
    "description": "<p>Organizations compete in a very complex and challenging context that is as a result many<br>\nfactors from globalization, aggressive competitors and rapid change in technology among<br>\nothers. For organizations to gain and maintain a competitive edge they must be able to<br>\ndevelop and execute strategic plans with precision. One of the major tools that help<br>\nachieve this is the balanced score card. The balanced score card was developed in early<br>\n1990&rsquo;s by Kalpan and Norton and was designed to give companies the information<br>\nneeded to effectively manage their business strategy. It has additional perspectives other<br>\nthan the traditional financial perspective which include customer, internal business<br>\nprocess and learning and growth. The implementation of the tool however, has been a<br>\nchallenge to many organizations. Hence the main purpose of this study was to determine<br>\nchallenges of the implementation of balanced score card in Ethiopian Insurance<br>\nCorporation. The research approach used in this study was the mixed methodology, in<br>\nwhich the qualitative as well as the quantitative research methods were used. In the<br>\nqualitative research method interviews were conducted from the BSC project team<br>\nmembers where as in the quantitative research questionnaire is used for the employees of<br>\nthe corporation. Some of the benefits of adopting the tool were that it enabled staff to<br>\nfocus on measurable targets, ability to focus on key objectives, assisted on putting<br>\nemphasis on specific key measures, helps in monitoring of key performance</p>", 
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    "title": "Challenges of the Implementation of Balanced Score Card in Ethiopian Insurance Corporation", 
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    "publication_date": "2018-06-01", 
    "creators": [
        "name": "Ruhama Lemma"
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      "subtype": "thesis", 
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      "title": "Thesis"
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        "scheme": "doi", 
        "identifier": "10.20372/nadre:2072", 
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