Thesis Open Access

Analysis the effect of unequal force application on A.A LRT disc brake during emergency brake

Biniyam Belayneh

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  "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:1977", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Biniyam Belayneh"
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "abstract": "<p>A train disc brake system is used to perform three basic functions, i.e. to reduce speed of a vehicle, to<br>\nmaintain its speed when travelling downhill and to completely stop the vehicle. During these braking<br>\nevents, the disc brake may suffer of temperature, deformation and stress issues. It is quite sometimes<br>\nthat the disc brake components fail structurally and/or having severe deformation on the pad. Thus,<br>\nthis paper aims to examine stress concentration, structural deformation and contact pressure of brake<br>\ndisc and pads during braking event by employing commercial finite element software, ANSYS and<br>\nCATIA for modeling purpose with considering the effect of unequal pressure application on the two<br>\nopposite side of the disc which are developed due to brake line corrosion, caliper sticking, failure of<br>\npiston seal, variation of rotor thickness and also failure of caliper bolts.</p>", 
  "title": "Analysis the effect of unequal force application on A.A LRT disc brake during emergency brake", 
  "type": "thesis", 
  "id": "1977"
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