Thesis Open Access
Natnael Tesfamichael
{ "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:2431", "author": [ { "family": "Natnael Tesfamichael" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2015, 3, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>Wear is a natural phenomenon that exists when two bodies, which are in contact, perform<br>\na relative motion; this is also true for the wheel and rail of a railway vehicle. This wear is<br>\nmainly dependent on the type of material they are made of. There is a tolerable level of<br>\nwear that is safe to the railway operation. Once this critical wear level is reached, it is<br>\nmandatory to re-profile the wheel, grind the rail. However, after some time it will be<br>\nworn out to the level it can no more be used and the whole system must be replaced with<br>\na new one. This indicates that there is a need to focus on the wear properties of wheel and<br>\nrail materials in order to secure a safe and sustainable railway operation.</p>", "title": "Identification of the Best Material Combination Between Wheel and Rail of Railway Vehicle with Minimum Wear Rate", "type": "thesis", "id": "2431" }
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