Thesis Open Access
{ "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:2335", "author": [ { "family": "ADEME TSEGA TASSEW" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021, 8, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>One very important issue is the need for significant improvement of flexible pavement structure<br>\npassing over areas of poor soil conditions due to continuous deformation and a low bearing<br>\ncapacity from the pavement structure foundation. One of the general problem happened on<br>\npavement structure are vertical settlement and lateral displacement of the soil layers. In order to<br>\nminimize these problems enhancing the bearing capacity of the subgrade soils can be the major<br>\nsolution. Mostly, the subgrade soil is known by poor bearing capacity, high plasticity and high<br>\nswelling factor. So, the bearing capacity of the soils can be improved by geotechnical ground<br>\nimprovement. In this study, reinforced subgrade performance with geogrid was numerically<br>\nanalyzed. Two pavement structure with geogrid reinforced subgrade and unreinforced subgrade<br>\nwere analyzed under the same traffic load and pavement thickness using finite element model.<br>\nABAQUS software package was used as a tool in analyzing the finite element models of a<br>\nquarter of pavement structures</p>", "title": "PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF GEOGRID REINFORCED PAVEMENT SUBGRADE USING NUMERICAL ANALYSIS; A CASE OF TERCHA-CHIDA ROAD PROJECT", "type": "thesis", "id": "2335" }
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