Thesis Open Access

Customer Perception and Responsiveness Behavior Study on Bulk SMS Advertisements for Target Customer Identification: The case of Ethio Telecom

samuel getachew

Bulk-messaging, one of the technologies carried by the telecom industry, is a process
of sending a large number of messages to many people at once. It is likely
a more economical and effective way of marketing media as compared to others.
Therefore, many companies are using this service for advertisement. Since it is
most likely flooding without customers’ consent, it can be one of the services that
affect customers’ responsiveness behavior. Studying customers’ preferences prior
to sending a message will help to overcome resource dissipation due to messaging
and reduces customers’ offensiveness.
The aim of this thesis is to identify factors that affect customers’ responsiveness
attitude and classify customers based on the level of responses, towards bulkmessaging
advertisements in the case of Ethio Telecom customers. In this thesis,
two different types of data were used i.e. data collected in-person via questionnaire
and a Call Detail Records (CDR) data. Among 620 distributed questionnaires
528 were replied. Moreover, a CDR data of 29,506 messages got responses
among 419,249 delivered messages. A statistical mean method and data mining
techniques were used to classify a survey and CDR data respectively.

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