Thesis Open Access

'!!"!"ERENTIALS IN U~; -·: -;;;::."':-"r: •. :.-. ' .: ~~:~~ ~ ~ -------o--F-- C-ONTRACEPTIVES IN DALE WOREDA. SOUTH ETHIOPIA


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  "description": "<p>Global population is increasing at an alarming rate<br>\nand Ethiopia is contributing 1.5 million persons / year.<br>\nThe pyramid shaped age structure of the population as in<br>\nmost developing countries is a prima facie evidence of<br>\nhigh fertility and imminent population explosion.<br>\nSingle and multiple decrement life table techniques<br>\nwere used to analyze pattern of acceptance and use<br>\neffectiveness of contraceptive methods in Dale Woreda<br>\nYirgalem Family Planning Project, Ethiopia. The<br>\nmajority of acceptors (59%) never had formal education.<br>\nSubstantial percentage (79%) of acceptors were in the age<br>\ngroup 20-34. Continuation rate was high 94.1% for<br>\npill, ( 97.1%) for injectable, (82.6%) for other methods and<br>\n(95.1%) for all methods combined. Single decrement life<br>\ntable technique showed that educational status, number of<br>\nliving children and husband&#39;s attitudes were found to be<br>\nimportant factors for high continuation rates. FOCUS<br>\ngroup discussion identified very poor, and in some cases<br>\nnon existent service as a barrier preventing many clients<br>\nfrom using IUDs and VSC</p>", 
  "license": "", 
  "creator": [
      "@type": "Person", 
      "name": "TIZAZU ABEBE"
  "headline": "'!!\"!\"ERENTIALS IN U~; -\u00b7: -;;;::.\"':-\"r: \u2022. :.-. ' .: ~~:~~ ~ ~ -------o--F-- C-ONTRACEPTIVES IN DALE WOREDA. SOUTH ETHIOPIA", 
  "image": "", 
  "datePublished": "1994-05-01", 
  "url": "", 
  "@context": "", 
  "identifier": "", 
  "@id": "", 
  "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", 
  "name": "'!!\"!\"ERENTIALS IN U~; -\u00b7: -;;;::.\"':-\"r: \u2022. :.-. ' .: ~~:~~ ~ ~ -------o--F-- C-ONTRACEPTIVES IN DALE WOREDA. SOUTH ETHIOPIA"
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