Thesis Open Access

Treatment and Recovery of Chrome from Electroplating Wastewater (By Chemical Precipitation) ( At Homicho Ammunition Engineering Industry)

Kidanu G/Selassie

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    <dct:title>Treatment and Recovery of Chrome from Electroplating Wastewater (By Chemical Precipitation) ( At Homicho Ammunition Engineering Industry)</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2016</dct:issued>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2016-12-01</dct:issued>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;investigate the reduction process of hexavalent chromium from electroplating wastewater by&lt;br&gt; chemical precipitation in order to achieve the maximum trivalent chromium concentration.&lt;br&gt; Sodium bisulphite is one of the widely used coagulants in waste water treatment process and has&lt;br&gt; good reducing ability. Because of its reducing capacity, sodium bisulphite is applied to reduce&lt;br&gt; hexavalent chromium from electroplating wastewater. The study has been conducted in four&lt;br&gt; phases. In phase one reduction of hexavalent chromium, phase two determination of hexavalent&lt;br&gt; chromium, phase three precipitation of chromium sulphate followed by oxidation of the sludge&lt;br&gt; of Chromium (III) hydroxide. Phase one study was carried out to analyze the reduction process&lt;br&gt; of the toxic soluble hexavalent chromium by using the concept of design experiment to justify&lt;br&gt; the number of affecting factors and levels during the laboratory work followed by the synthetic&lt;br&gt; waste sample preparation at Homicho Ammunition Engineering Industry in Ambo.&lt;br&gt; Different experiments were considered like classical method of analysis to quantify and&lt;br&gt; qualify the wastewater sample, atomic absorption spectrophotometric technique was utilized to&lt;br&gt; determine the amount of total chromium, and finally colorimetric method to determine the&lt;br&gt; amount of hexavalent chromium with a suitable complexing agent to engulf the ionic hexavalent&lt;br&gt; Chromium. The total numbers of experiments were fifty four (54), the first twenty seven (27) run&lt;br&gt; was analyzed by labeling the distributed parameters in each beaker of the solution and the&lt;br&gt; number of factors with their levels were indicated. For the purpose of optimization of the&lt;br&gt; selected parameters experiments were replicated, then at the second round of the experiment run&lt;br&gt; number 44 was the optimized one.&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
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