Thesis Open Access

Study of the Urban Drainage System in Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub-city.

Dagnachew Adugna

JSON Export

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  "conceptdoi": "10.20372/nadre:2939", 
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  "updated": "2024-10-07T13:12:03.670328+00:00", 
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    "doi": "10.20372/nadre:2940", 
    "description": "<p>Urbanization along with its impervious structures is the major challenge of urban<br>\ncenters. The foundation and expansion of Addis Ababa was associated with the rapid<br>\nconversion of land from rural to urban uses more than anywhere else in the country. For<br>\nthe last one hundred twenty years it has been noticed that there is an intensive<br>\nconversion of rural land to urban development such as buildings, transportation<br>\nnetworks, recreation areas, reservoirs and others where most of them are impermeable.<br>\nThis study has investigated the overall environmental challenges of the urban drainage<br>\nsystem. This study has particularly carried out in three sample kebeles (kebele 01/02,<br>\n08/15 and 13/14) within Yeka sub-city. These kebeles were selected because of the fact<br>\nthat they are representative to address the objectives of this study. Deforestation and<br>\npavement of structures are the major problems in the study area. An exploratory and<br>\nDescriptive type of research design methods were used to describe and explore the<br>\nexisting condition of the general urban drainage system and the natural water ways.<br>\nData collection methods were carried out using both primary and secondary data<br>\nsources. The secondary data source was only relevant to reinforce the primary data.<br>\nThe collected data were analyzed with Ms-excel, AutoCAD and ArcGIS. The results<br>\nhave been presented with known statistical tools.</p>", 
    "license": {
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    "title": "Study of the Urban Drainage System in Addis Ababa, Yeka Sub-city.", 
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    "publication_date": "2009-04-16", 
    "creators": [
        "name": "Dagnachew Adugna"
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      "title": "Thesis"
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        "scheme": "doi", 
        "identifier": "10.20372/nadre:2939", 
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