Thesis Open Access

Quality of Experience Evaluation for Smartphone Video Streaming over 3G Network: In the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Zelalem Fitiwe G/Mariam

Smartphones have become key enablers for users to exploit video streaming services such as YouTube, Hulu, Netflix. Quality of experience (QoE) represents the actual visual perception of users and it becomes a prominent concept. Considering the perception of users on the quality of mobile video streaming service evaluation is an important factor to assess the actual performance of the service that is provided to the users. So far, in Ethiopian Mobile Operator a combination of objective and subjective quality evaluation for video streaming service of mobile phone users, particularly for the most widely subscribed mobile 3G network, has not been performed.
In this thesis work, video streaming QoE evaluation over the 3G network in case of Addis Ababa, for smartphone users is made using network-side data from NetProb3010 tool, crowdsourcing tools (YoMoApp and Speedcheck Pro) from the application side and perception of customers from the user side

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