Thesis Open Access
Tesfa Aklilu Afework
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:adms="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dct="" xmlns:dctype="" xmlns:dcat="" xmlns:duv="" xmlns:foaf="" xmlns:frapo="" xmlns:geo="" xmlns:gsp="" xmlns:locn="" xmlns:org="" xmlns:owl="" xmlns:prov="" xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:schema="" xmlns:skos="" xmlns:vcard="" xmlns:wdrs=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about=""> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <dct:type rdf:resource=""/> <dct:identifier rdf:datatype=""></dct:identifier> <foaf:page rdf:resource=""/> <dct:creator> <rdf:Description> <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/> <foaf:name>Tesfa Aklilu Afework</foaf:name> </rdf:Description> </dct:creator> <dct:title>GROUNDWATER VULNERABILITY AND POLLUTION RISK ASSESSMNT IN THE CASE OF UPPER AWASH RIVER BASIN</dct:title> <dct:publisher> <foaf:Agent> <foaf:name>Zenodo</foaf:name> </foaf:Agent> </dct:publisher> <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2019</dct:issued> <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2019-02-17</dct:issued> <owl:sameAs rdf:resource=""/> <adms:identifier> <adms:Identifier> <skos:notation rdf:datatype=""></skos:notation> <adms:schemeAgency>url</adms:schemeAgency> </adms:Identifier> </adms:identifier> <dct:isVersionOf rdf:resource=""/> <dct:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> <dct:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/> <dct:description><p>Water used for different purposes is harvested in the watershed system; largely in the river<br> basin system. To maintain the requirement of these purposes, both quantity and quality of<br> water for ecological, social and economical development could be manage appropriately<br> through integrated water resource management. However, scarcity and poor water quality are<br> the major challenges of the world due to climate change and water pollutions. These<br> challenges trigger further ecological, economical and public health impacts. In Ethiopia,<br> evidence shows that upper Awash River sub-basin is the most impacted river basin that is why<br> protection of both groundwater and surface water resources come to an essential approach<br> through investigation of hazards, vulnerability and consequences of the water sources. This<br> research is designed to identify vulnerable and risk of ground water pollutions so as to indicate<br> the requirements of protection of vulnerable aquifer considering seven important factors of<br> groundwater vulnerability as well as land use management. To achieve these objectives,<br> digitized data for parameters and secondary data from concerned sectors have been collected.<br> These collected data and Shape files have been analyzed using ArcGIS 10.2 software and<br> SPSS version 24. Sensitive analysis, model validation, vulnerability index and risk index have<br> been produced</p></dct:description> <dct:accessRights rdf:resource=""/> <dct:accessRights> <dct:RightsStatement rdf:about="info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess"> <rdfs:label>Open Access</rdfs:label> </dct:RightsStatement> </dct:accessRights> <dcat:distribution> <dcat:Distribution> <dct:rights> <dct:RightsStatement rdf:about=""> <rdfs:label>Creative Commons Attribution</rdfs:label> </dct:RightsStatement> </dct:rights> <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=""/> </dcat:Distribution> </dcat:distribution> <dcat:distribution> <dcat:Distribution> <dcat:accessURL rdf:resource=""/> <dcat:byteSize>4484196</dcat:byteSize> <dcat:downloadURL rdf:resource=""/> <dcat:mediaType>application/pdf</dcat:mediaType> </dcat:Distribution> </dcat:distribution> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>
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