Thesis Open Access

Background: - Adolescence is a nutritionally vulnerable period of life because of the dramatic changes in physical growth and development and the change of life style and food habits that affect both nutrient intake and needs. Inadequate quality and quantity of food are the prime determinants of nutrition. However studies are limited regarding adolescent nutrition and there is very little information on the adequacy of dietary intake among adolescents. Objective: - To estimate the level of macro and micro nutrient intake and to evaluate prevalence of inadequacy among adolescent girls 10-19 years. Method; - A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Damot Gale district, Woliyta zone, SNNP Region. Data were collected from 288 female adolescents after random selection from six kebeles. Face to face interview was conducted using Repeated multiple pass 24-hour dietary recall method. Data on all foods and drinks consumed by the adolescents in the previous 24 hours before interview was obtained DISPOSAL

Gizalem Derege

The rapid increase in the use of plastic materials in the recent years led to the
accumulation of extreme amounts of plastic waste. Thermoplastics such as PET,
PE, PP, PS and PVC as well as materials that derived from these are the type of
plastic most used and consequently create environmental problems.
Landfill, incineration and recycling remains the primary options for solid waste
management. One critical determinant of the acceptability of these options is the
different health risks associated with each.
The plastic waste that burnt and dumped in landfill sites can be recycled and
used for different purpose. This includes the use of waste plastic in construction
of asphalt road. By recycling waste plastic, it is possible to protect the
environment from contamination.
Using waste plastic in asphalt road construction as an aggregate binder is one of
the recent plastic waste approach. This will help us to avoid the environmental
pollution from open-air burning and landfill of plastic waste.

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