Thesis Open Access
{ "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:2109", "author": [ { "family": "ALEMNESH TEKLEBERHAN" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2007, 1, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>Background-: HIV has spread throughout the world causing untold suffering and death and<br>\ncreating profound development challenges. Worldwide African women are the group most<br>\nseverely affected by the epidemic. Women who are infected by HIV are infecting their<br>\ninfants in turn. Mother to child transmission is the most common cause of HIV/AIDS in<br>\nchildren less than 15 years of age. Mother to child transmission can occur during pregnancy,<br>\nlabor and breast-feeding. However the risk of MTCT can be lowered significantly through<br>\ncomprehensive reproductive health services which include voluntary counseling and testing<br>\nfor pregnant women, Anti-retroviral prophylaxis and breast feeding counseling.<br>\nObjective: - The purpose of this study is to assess factors influencing willingness and<br>\nutilization of VCT for PMTCT among pregnant women</p>", "title": "ASSESSMENT OF FACTORS INFLUENCING WILLINGNESS AND UTILIZATION OF VCT AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN IN DESSIE TOWN", "type": "thesis", "id": "2109" }
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