Thesis Open Access

Factors Affecting Public Procurement Performance in Ethiopia: The Case of Public Procurement and Property Disposal Services

Abebe Aberu

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  "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:2071", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Abebe Aberu"
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "abstract": "<p>This research aims to examine factors affecting public procurement performance in Ethiopia: the<br>\ncase of Public Procurement and Property Disposal Services. Based on literature reviews, the<br>\nresearcher identified four factors that affect the procurement performance. These includes:<br>\nprocurement planning, unethical practices, competency of staff, procurement procedure and<br>\nInformation Communication Technology on procurement. The hypothesis of the study was the<br>\nprocurement factors (independent variables) affect the procurement performance (dependent<br>\nvariable) of PPPDS. The research design is made based on descriptive and explanatory research<br>\napproaches. The researcher distributed 116 questionnaires and 97 were filled and returned.<br>\nBoth primary and secondary data were used throughout this research. For primary data, both<br>\nstructured and semi structured type questionnaires were prepared. The results of this study<br>\nindicate that the independent variables (Procurement Planning, Competency of Staff,<br>\nProcurement Procedure and Information Communication Technology) positively affect the<br>\ndependent variable (procurement performance) to a significant extent. These factors explain<br>\n85.9% of procurement performance, while the rest 14.1% is explained by other factors which are<br>\nnot subject of this study</p>", 
  "title": "Factors Affecting Public Procurement Performance in Ethiopia: The Case of Public Procurement and Property Disposal Services", 
  "type": "thesis", 
  "id": "2071"
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