Thesis Open Access
{ "DOI": "10.20372/nadre:1959", "author": [ { "family": "BELACHEW KAHASAY" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2016, 6, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>Background: Cervical cancer is a global public health problem & it is the 4th leading cause cancer<br>\nmorbidity and mortality. Almost 70% of the global burden failed in developing counties. In Ethiopia<br>\ncervical cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer mortality. Cervical cancer screening is effective<br>\nprevention method can avert >80% morbidity and mortality. However, globally a billion of women<br>\nmissed this opportunity. Poor utilization of cervical cancer screening was the prominent problem in<br>\ndeveloping countries. In Ethiopia cervical cancer screening coverage was 0.6%. Low level of knowledge,<br>\nnegative attitude and low intention towards cervical cancer screening were among many obstacles that<br>\nhider the successfulness of cervical cancer screening on which this study aimed.<br>\nObjectives: This study were measure level of knowledge, determine attitude, assess intention to use<br>\ncervical cancer screening and identify correlates of intention among army women of Ethiopia.<br>\nMethods: A cross sectional study design was used to assess knowledge, attitude, intention towards<br>\ncervical cancer screening and its correlates among army women of Ethiopia on April, 2016. Twenty one<br>\nposts were included in this study. Single population proportion formula was used to determine the<br>\nsample size & a total of 423 samples were taken. Simple random sampling technique was used to select<br>\nstudy participants. A self administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data was entered to<br>\nEPI-info -7 & exported into STATA-12 for analysis. Bi-varate analysis was done to find out crude<br>\nassociation between independent & outcome variable. Finally logistic regression analysis was carried<br>\nout for those variables had association at <0.05 level of significance at bi-variate analysis.</p>", "title": "THE ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND INTENTION TO USE CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING AND ITS COLLERATES AMONG ARMY WOMEN IN ETHIOPIA", "type": "thesis", "id": "1959" }
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