Thesis Open Access
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <oai_dc:dc xmlns:dc="" xmlns:oai_dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:creator>ABRHA YBEYN GEBREMEDHN</dc:creator> <dc:date>2017-11-01</dc:date> <dc:description>Robit small-scale irrigation scheme is located in the Amhara National Regional State and was constructed in 2012. However, the performance of the irrigation scheme has not been evaluated yet. In the present study, the performance of the scheme was evaluated by estimating water delivery performance indicators, water conveyance efficiency, water conveyance losses, and satisfaction of irrigation users. The water delivery performance adequacy, efficiency, equity and dependability were evaluated by monitoring discharge at nine selected offtakes; three each at the head, middle and tail end of the scheme command area during the crop season from April to June 2017. The water conveyance efficiency of the main and secondary canals and thus the water losses in water conveyance were estimated by measuring irrigation water flow at different locations along the canals. The satisfaction of the irrigation water users from the irrigation service received was evaluated using the binary Logit Model at the head, middle and tail end of the irrigation scheme, and for the entire irrigation scheme. Irrigation water flow in the main and secondary canals, as well as at nine tertiary offtakes was measured using Current meter and 3-inch Parshall flume. The data were analyzed using STATA, CROPWAT, ARC GIS software, and Microsoft Excel. The water delivery performance indicators adequacy, efficiency, equity and dependability varied widely from head to tail reach and, during the crop season from April to June with overall average value equal to 0.88, 0.92, 0.09 and 0.11 respectively. Thus, the irrigation scheme when compared with Molden and Gates (1990) standards was found under fair condition in adequacy and dependability and under good condition in efficiency and equity.</dc:description> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:identifier>10.20372/nadre:1441</dc:identifier> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:relation>doi:10.20372/nadre:1440</dc:relation> <dc:relation>url:</dc:relation> <dc:relation>url:</dc:relation> <dc:rights>info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess</dc:rights> <dc:rights></dc:rights> <dc:title>EVALUATION OF WATER DELIVERY PERFORMANCE IN ROBIT SMALLSCALE IRRIGATION SCHEME, AMHARA, ETHIOPIA</dc:title> <dc:type>info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis</dc:type> <dc:type>publication-thesis</dc:type> </oai_dc:dc>
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